Especially last Monday, migration at Presqu’ile Provincial Park has been in full swing this week, with new species arriving every day. Most of the land birds are within the expected range of arrival dates, or even a bit later, so mention will be made only of those which have been recorded only once so far.
NORTHERN SHOVELERS have been viewed off Bayshore Road (near #16-18) on Monday and Thursday of this week. Up to 45 GREEN-WINGED TEAL are being seen in the marsh. A male RUDDY DUCK was at Salt Point on Monday. A female WILD TURKEY was near the Park entrance yesterday. It is time that someone checked Popham Bay for the first RED-THROATED LOONS, which have usually arrived by this date. A BLACK-CROWNED NIGHT-HERON flew over on April 6. An immature NORTHERN GOSHAWK was being harassed by an AMERICAN CROW yesterday as it flew over Paxton Drive. AMERICAN WOODCOCKS are already performing their aerial dance in the pannes and at the calf pasture. Seven BONAPARTE’S GULLS flew past on Monday. Both ICELAND and GLAUCOUS GULLS have been on the ice of Presqu’ile Bay. The first CASPIAN TERN arrived on April 6. On that date there were still two SNOWY OWLS present. A BARRED OWL was seen on April 5 and a NORTHERN SAW-WHET OWL was heard on the following day.
A RED-BELLIED WOODPECKER has been fairly regular at 186 Bayshore Road. A COMMON RAVEN on April 9 was a reminder that the species has nested in the Park in a recent year. In regard to the CAROLINA WREN that spent much of last month at 40 Bayshore Road, it is apparently time to "call off the hounds” as it has not been seen there for over a week, although one was reportedly heard about a kilometre away from there. A HERMIT THRUSH was reported on April 7. Both VESPER and SAVANNAH SPARROW have been seen this week. The wintering WHITE-THROATED SPARROW at 40 Bayshore Road was still there on April 5. Two PURPLE FINCHES on April 9 were not unexpected, but the anonymous report of a COMMON REDPOLL on April 4 cries out for more details.
To reach Presqu'ile Provincial Park, follow the signs from Brighton. Locations within the Park are shown on a map at the back of a tabloid that is available at the Park gate. Access to the offshore islands is restricted at this time of year to prevent disturbance to the colonial nesting birds there.
Birders are encouraged to record their observations on the bird sightings board provided near the campground office by The Friends of Presqu'ile Park and to fill out a rare bird report for species not listed there.
Questions and comments about bird sightings at Presqu'ile may be directed to: FHELLEINER@TRENTU.CA.
Fred Helleiner