Birders have been few and far between at Presqu'ile Provincial Park lately. Not surprisingly, therefore, most of the bird sightings have been of common species, of which there are plenty in such a diverse set of habitats.
Aside from the WOOD DUCKS in the marsh, the only other ducks worth mentioning were a pair of REDHEADS in Popham Bay. RUFFED GROUSE and COMMON LOONS are among the birds that are present in small numbers all summer, and both have been seen on a couple of occasions in the past week. GREAT EGRETS are still visible on High Bluff Island but in reduced numbers. A GREEN HERON flew into the marsh. The OSPREYS on the Salt Point lighthouse appear to have hatched one young bird. A COMMON GALLINULE was seen in the marsh. What may be the beginning of the fall shorebird migration was the sighting of a BLACK-BELLIED PLOVER on July 2 and a LEAST SANDPIPER on July 3. The spectacular, largely white DUNLIN continues to be seen on the beach, as recently as this morning. Various other shorebird species have been known to show up in the first week or two of July. An AMERICAN WOODCOCK was flushed from a muddy spot on the Owen Point trail. Two surprisingly early BONAPARTE'S GULLS were on the beach on June 28, and an immature GREAT BLACK-BACKED GULL was on Gull Island on the same date.
Several people saw a BARRED OWL on the Jobes' Woods trail. A CHIMNEY SWIFT seen today was unusual at this time of year. At 83 Bayshore Road RED-BELLIED WOODPECKERS are regular feeder visitors. BROWN CREEPER and WINTER WREN are among the less conspicuous summer residents, and both have been seen in the past week. Someone saw a SAVANNAH SPARROW this morning, a species that is not known to summer in the Park. A SCARLET TANAGER on July 1 was also unusual. The best place to find ORCHARD ORIOLES is at 83 Bayshore Road, where seven were seen on one recent day.